Saturday 8 September 2007

Modern Operating Systems

Modern Operating Systems, 2nd Edition
ISBN-10: 0-13-031358-0 | Prentice Hall, Feb 21, 2001 | Pages: 976, 2nd. | 5 MB | RS | FF
The widely anticipated revision of this worldwide best seller incorporates the latest developments in operating systems technologies. Hundreds of pages of new material on a wealth of subjects have been added. This authoritative, example-based reference offers practical, hands-on information in constructing and understanding modern operating systems. Continued in this second edition are the "big picture" concepts, presented in the clear and entertaining style that only Andrew S. Tanenbaum can provide. Tanenbaum's long experience as the designer or co-designer of three operating systems brings a knowledge of the subject and wealth of practical detail that few other books can match.



rii$hii said...

What is the password for the Html file?

macromediax said...

.rar password :